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Honoring AAPI Mental Health Awareness Month

Hello! We are the founders of Blooming Wellness Psychotherapy, and this blog is dedicated to our Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI)...

To Be a Perfectionist or Not?

Do you have perfectionistic traits? How is it working for you? In today’s society, most still view perfectionism in a positive light,...

Codependency and Caregivers

Have you always been a caregiver? Do you continually prioritize the well-being of others and tell yourself your needs aren’t as...

Am I Codependent?

Have you heard of codependency? Do you or a loved one identify as being codependent? Has it impacted your relationship(s)? What is...

Do You Have a Minute?

In the busyness that is life, we do not always have time for rest. Some of us are on the go from the moment we wake up until we go to...

Break Free From Your Fatigue Cycle

Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by tasks that seem easy to other people? Does it take you a lot of energy to get out of bed or...

The Love Languages of Highly Sensitive People

Are you a highly sensitive person, wondering what your love language is? Do you want to learn more about how to love the highly sensitive...

Attachment Patterns and Highly Sensitive People

Have you wondered how your relationship patterns developed? Have you considered how you developed the relationship you have with...

New Year's Resolutions

As we are heading towards the new year, folks tend to reflect on their lives. It is normal to want to change some things about our lives,...

Coping Through The Holidays

Does your mood dip during the fall and winter months? Do you find yourself having difficulty getting out of bed and having less energy...

Gratitude: An Essential Emotion

Do you ever notice telling yourself, 'I’m not good enough because I don’t have this or that?' Do you find yourself mindlessly scrolling...

Grief From Suicide Loss

Being left behind after a loved one suicided is difficult to describe and experience. You are forever changed… you never stop loving or...

How to Have Meaningful and Quality Relationships

Do you have trouble asserting yourself in relationships? Do you find yourself acting in ways that disregard your self-respect? Learning...

Anxiety 101

Anxiety is a normal feeling. Everyone experiences anxiety at some time in their life. We can feel anxious about different things such as...

Am I Shy or Is It Something Else?

Do you ever feel nervous around new people? Many have experienced this. Does it prevent you from talking with people? It can be helpful...

Self-Soothing With Your Senses

Do you have emotional pain and end up reacting in a way that makes things worse? Did you know there are simple yet powerful practices you...

Numb... is Also a Feeling

Have you ever felt numb, empty, and/or checked out? Have you been feeling too much for too long? Have you ever wondered why we experience...

Depression… What Can I Do About It?

What do you think about depression or depressive symptoms? Maybe you think people with depression can benefit from antidepressants and/or...

Blog: Blog2
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